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Trusted partner by integrity

As a globally active company, the RENK Group bears social and legal responsibility. This responsibility includes ensuring that RENK complies with applicable laws at all times and in all places, respects fundamental ethical values and acts with integrity. Against this background, compliance is a fundamental part of RENK's identity.

Compliance – for good reason

To protect the company and its employees from legal and reputational risks, RENK has a groupwide compliance management system (CMS). The focus is on preventing corruption, competition violations and money laundering as well as compliance with foreign trade law. Other focal points are data protection and information security.

The CMS includes a wide range of measures aimed at preventing and identifying compliance violations at an early stage. Compliance violations are not tolerated. Should they nevertheless occur, RENK responds immediately and consistently.

Compliance – everyone’s business

Compliance is one thing above all: teamwork. Every single employee is responsible for adhering to compliance requirements in their daily work. From group and local management, through executives, to each individual employee and temporary worker. Compliance with laws and internal company guidelines always takes precedence over the achievement of economic goals.

You can download below more information about compliance at RENK.

Quotation marks

In our corporate culture, the highest quality standards are paramount in all areas. At RENK, compliance means not only adhering to laws, but also bringing our corporate values to life every day. Integrity is the top priority. Any violations are not tolerated and are consistently pursued.

Susanne Wiegand, CEO
Code of Conduct

Clear rules are an essential part of our corporate culture.

Binding ethical principles of conduct and compliance requirements are laid down for all employees in the RENK Code of Conduct. The RENK Code of Conduct is the central regulation of internal compliance and an essential component of the corporate culture. The obligations it contains apply within the company as well as to external partners and the public. The RENK Code of Conduct provides the framework for all decisions made by us and its employees.

In addition to the Code of Conduct for employees, RENK also has a Supplier Code of Conduct for suppliers and business partners. All RENK Suppliers and Sales support Partners must comply the ethical standards.

Human rights

Commitment to the protection of human rights 

RENK is convinced that accepting social responsibility for the wellbeing of people is the foundation stone for long term success. Respecting and protecting human rights, both in the own business area and throughout the entire supply chain, is thus for RENK a fundamental element of good corporate governance and is integral to our sustainability strategy.

RENK provides a grievance mechanism (RENK Integrity Line) for reporting human rights and environmental risks.

Have a look at our Policy Statement on Human Rights:

Reporting of Compliance Violations

Speak up by using our whistleblower system.

RENK promotes a corporate culture in which integrity issues can be addressed openly. Employees are encouraged to report potential violations of the Code of Conduct. If they have questions or doubts, they are encouraged to seek advice.

RENK provides all employees, as well as customers, suppliers and other third parties, with reporting channels for submitting reports of compliance violations.

The digital whistleblowing system (RENK Integrity Line) enables simple and secure whistleblowing. Compliance violations can be reported online at any time, worldwide and in various languages – anonymously if preferred. You can access the RENK Integrity Line via the following link.

Submitting a report triggers RENK's whistleblower process. Whistleblowers are informed about the receipt of the report and about the completion of the investigation. The RENK Integrity Line enables anonymous communication with the Group Compliance Department. Reports are always handled confidentially.

In addition, compliance violations can be reported to the external ombudsman of the RENK Group.

RLCP Rubach & Partner Rechtsanwälte mbB
Attorney Walter Rubach
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49 0821 45 54 45-0
Mobile: +49 0171 54 16 13-2

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RENK has created a strong ethics culture in which employees and managers take responsibility for their actions. In addition to observing all regulatory requirements, we focus on compliance with ethical standards and on observing human rights within the global supply chains. In this regard, the RENK Governance & Compliance organization is one authoritative point of contact for employees and business partners when it comes to grievances - either directly or via our digital whistleblower portal RENK Integrity Line

Florian Köhler, Group General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer

Your contact for compliance questions

Florian Köhler

In case you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us, contact our compliance team.

Florian Köhler
Group General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer
[email protected]
Group General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer

Florian Köhler