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Military Vehicles

Complete portfolio of proven hybrid solutions, ready today for tomorrow’s defense.

Complete portfolio of proven hybrid solutions, ready today for tomorrow’s defense.
Our Portfolio

Designed, tested and proven to withstand the grueling conditions of combat.

Our portfolio of hybrid solutions can be customized to fit your requirements and budget. Hybrid military vehicles offer a number of benefits over traditional diesel-powered vehicles. The most significant benefits include reduced fuel consumption, improved performance, and some vital features we describe here. 

At RENK, we offer complete hybrid solutions and powerpack integration, specifically configured to fit your mobility needs. 

  1. Transmissions
  2. Motors and generators
  3. Power electronic unit
  4. Fully integrated hybrid system
01 Transmissions

Tested. Proven. Ready.

Our transmission portfolio is the most extensive on the market. And most of our transmissions have a PTO (Power Take Out) and PTI (Power Take In) or can easily be enhanced in case it is missing. 

With the PTO option you can connect one of your generators to create power from the main engine. This is either needed to power auxiliary or external system but also to charge a batter system. 

With the PTI you can connect an electric drive. Using the battery system, the drive can provide power to the transmission. Either as a quick start when the engine is not running (e.g. in silent watch) or to give an additional boost for fast forward on dangerous terrain. 

Investigate with our experts, which of our many transmissions have PTI/PTO capabilities and fit to your project. 

ATREX: Hybrid transmission with Drive-by-Wire

Our newest solution, ATREX, is combining our proven transmission technology with two dedicated electric drives/generators, military graded power electronics and drive-by-wire functionality. 

With a power support of up to 1,500kW, tanks weighing between 50 and 70 tons can reach a speed of 70 km/h and benefit from the various advantages of a hybrid mobility solution.

Our HMPT EVO is our medium tracked vehicle hybrid solution, supporting vehicles up to 50 tons.

HMPT EVO includes many options like an upgrade to 1000 HP, Drive-by-Wire, and integrated electric motor generator.

Our HSWL 295 EVO is our heavy class tracked vehicle hybrid solution, supporting vehicles up to 70 Metric tons.

1600+ HP rating, Drive by Wire, and integrated electric motor generator are just a few of the many possible extensions of the 295 EVO.

Our 256 EVO is our medium tracked vehicle hybrid solution, supporting vehicles up to 55 Metric tons.

As the other products from the series the 256 EVO also has many options such as 1100+ HP rating, Drive by Wire, and integrated electric motor generator.

Quotation marks

With our unmatched transmission scope and military-proven hybrid portfolio, we can offer as of today mobility solutions that others thought would be a topic of the future.  

Walter Kammer, Sales Director Mobility Solutions
02 Motors and Generators

Our motor generators are the core of our hybrid systems.

Current and future combat vehicles have more demand placed on them than ever before. Modern electronics and vehicle systems require more and more power. To meet these demands, RENK has spent years researching, building, and integrating hybrid drive powertrains. These electric motor-generators work in parallel to a combustion engine to provide high voltage power generation or an electrical propulsion boost when needed. In conjunction with a high voltage energy storage system, these E-machines also provide silent watch and maneuver capabilities.

The M82 Axel drive

The high power hybrid drive with a rated power of 200 kW and a peak of 300kW

The M69 wheel hub motor:<br>For wheel driven vehicles, the M69 can add 120 kW (peak 132 kW) to your power train

The M69 wheel hub motor:
For wheel driven vehicles, the M69 can add 120 kW (peak 132 kW) to your power train

The G35:<br>Powerful prime mover for all types of hybridized military vehicles

The G35:
Powerful prime mover for all types of hybridized military vehicles

The G36:<br>Highly compact electric machine for easy integration and retrofit

The G36:
Highly compact electric machine for easy integration and retrofit

03 Power electronic unit

Robust high performance inverter to control power distribution and availability

Our compact power inverter unit features state-of-the-art IGBT technology with efficient liquid cooling and highly sophisticated, dense packaging of circuit boards and components. Its compact size and low weight make the PE31 ideal for use as power inverters of drive motors or generators in any medium- to large-category hybrid vehicles.

The embedded controller features high-speed digital field-oriented control, covers interfaces for various sensors and offers support for a variety of communication standards. It is appropriate for high- torque as well as for high-speed drives up to 800 VDC.

04 Fully integrated hybrid system

Our expertise at RENK is paramount, allowing us to create a seamless hybrid system – Optimized for your platform.

Our experts have a wealth of experience with different engine manufacturers and configurations. Our expertise is as important as our experience as a proven and reliable gearbox manufacturer.

In addition to our strong engineering and manufacturing base, we are also a trusted authority on alternators. Our Electronics Competence Centre in Starnberg, Germany, specialises in generators, motors and rugged electronics tailor-made for your hybrid solutions.

RENK is your reliable partner when it comes to hybrid mobility. 


Download our datasheets

  • MM - Charge Converter (313 kB)

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  • MM - G35 (488 kB)

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  • MM - G40 (369 kB)

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  • MM - Silent Move Kit (628 kB)

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  • MM - Power Generation System (599 kB)

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  • MM - PMC05 (461 kB)

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  • MM - PE 31 (500 kB)

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Mobility Solutions Team

Get in touch with our experts to find your hybrid solution. 

Mobility Solutions Team
[email protected]

Mobility Solutions Team