Safeguard your project by simulating your vehicle in an early phase.

Upfront optimization of your design
Modern armored vehicles are increasingly complex, with challenging performance requirements from the military end user. As technology improves and advanced features such as hybrid drive systems, active suspension or dynamic track tensioning become possible, the challenge for vehicle designers is to evaluate and asses how those systems integrate and interrelate to the wider vehicle design. For the end user the challenge is to prove how these advanced technologies can be utilized fully in a tactical situation, comparing the trade-offs possible by the use of one or more technologies and designs.

In former times the behavior and abilities of a new model were tested in real life, taking months of work and iterations. With digital modeling and simulation the iteration cycles can be reduced and thus the project time shortened by multiple month.
Powertrain solutions comparisons and trade-off
Combat vehicle design often requires trade-offs in their size, weight, cost and capabilities at both the vehicle and sub-system level. Mobility, fightability and survivability are critically affected by these choices. RENK VMS have developed a range of simulation options to asses those trade-offs early in the design iteration phase. With the experience of both Horstman and RENK we are able to asses and investigate ideas in a combined simulation package that covers the whole powertrain, from propulsion to track systems.

Simulation provides the ability to optimize and validate the design before making critical program decisions. During the prototype phase simulation can then be used to supplement physical testing, enabling realistic prediction of performance as vehicle parameters are altered over a variety of user specified simulation events. It also provides a time effective method to prove any early design changes that may be necessary due to changing program requirements, or as a result of end user feedback.
Our offering and approach
As one of the broadest mobility solution provide with multiple projects and decades of experience we have created a vast ability of simulation and testing abilities. Below you find some example of test case and simulation scenarios.
- Geometry and mass properties
- Suspension and track attributes
- Powertrain characteristics
- Control system integration
- Straight line (as braking, acceleration, slope)
- Steering (as slalom, constant radius, pivot turn)
- Obstacle negotiation (half round, wall, trench)
- Random input (cross country terrains)
- Processing and review of simulation results
- Evaluation of design proposals and trade studies
- Correlation to physical test data

Visualization of design possibilities
A picture is worth a thousand words – a computerized simulation video based on data derived calculations and our expertise can really help to communicate the possibilities of the design. Demonstrating a design in 3D footage can even be taken further into the augmented and virtual reality realm. Taking “a deep dive” into a technical design is now possible with our range of AR/VR solutions.
We use state of the art simulations tools.
- Adams for multi-body dynamics and Adams Tracked Vehicle (ATV) toolkit
- Matlab/Simulink for systems modeling
- Altair OptiStruct for Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
- Altair HyperMesh/Hypergraph for geometry preparation and results plotting
- SolidWorks and other software tools

Send us your questions and demands.

Take advantage of our expertise and safeguard your projects. Talk to our specialist to discuss your demands and ideas.